Our Literature Papers, Articles, Tracts, Contributors and the Work of the Editor


Lt 49, 1876



White, J. S.

Portions of this letter are published in PM; 6MR.


(I will copy that which I wrote to my husband in answer to his letter of suggestions.)


Dear Husband:


You suggest that the *Pioneer sheet or missionary paper be published in Battle Creek, and urge that it would be a saving of expense.* You also state that you and others have thought a *paper should be started in New England or in the South, that greater interest will be taken in the paper in the locality where it is published.* The *South would not have the prejudice which now exists against a paper published in the North.* This may all be sometime just prior to the close of the work. {Lt49-1876}


In regard to Battle Creek, *there are not now sufficient men of capability to take care of the work they already have upon them.* There is a serious deficiency in the execution of the work now. *Aside from Elder Smith, there is not one who is reliable; and Elder Smith does not do all that is required for a church paper. Too many things drift into the paper that should not appear.* Although *he rejects many articles, yet there should be greater care of his part, and critical selection for the paper to make that paper what it might be.* {Lt49-1876}


The *missionary sheet* [The True Missionary] if published in Battle Creek will be *mainly composed of articles from the Review and Herald, and after the first excitement dies down, the paper will become dry and objectionable;* for to answer the purpose for which it was designed, you proposed to make it up largely of selections from the Review. {Lt49-1876}


I have been shown that *our brethren East and West should manifest a deep interest in the missionary paper. They should contribute to its columns.* {Lt49-1876}


Brother Waggoner is in danger of being *too critical in regard to the communications from his brethren. While he may be at fault in this respect, with the Review there is not the care and caution which there ought to be in regard to matters that go into the paper.* {Lt49-1876}


The *missionary sheet should not contain long doctrinal articles.* While there ought to be arguments presented to properly represent our faith, *the articles should be spicy, original, live and practical, coming from the pens of our brethren from all parts of the field.* This paper must never become a dry, *stiff paper.* *It must contain rich thoughts and rich experiences.* Our brethren are at fault in *not feeling an interest to communicate their experiences in short, interesting letters.* All of these communications will *not be of a character to put in the paper, because some will write who have not wisdom, piety, or good judgment; and this class will be tried if their articles are not accepted and honored with a place in the paper.* Nevertheless, *an editor is selected for that very purpose, to decide what shall be proper and what will be unfit for its columns. If he shall become careless in his work, he will allow matter to appear that will hurt the interest of the paper.* {Lt49-1876}


I know there is a great work to be done, but our great drawback is, *Where are our men and our women of ability who will put their talent to use in making the papers we now have what God designed they should be?* If you should establish papers at different points, *who are the men of judgment, men of wisdom, men of financial ability to carry the enterprises through, making them a success?* {Lt49-1876}



Both papers need more help in this line, *that the papers shall not bear the stamp of one man’s mind and of his peculiar temperament. All have their strong points and their weak points; and all have prejudices and likes and dislikes which will be in danger of cropping out in the paper.* There should be *several whose judgment should blend together; while one is weak in some points the others will be able to supply the deficiency.* This is what God designed should exist in the carrying forward of His work upon the earth. His servants, diverse in temperament, in tastes, in habits, should all blend together and compose a perfect whole. *None should feel that he can accomplish the work in making the paper all it should be without the help of another. You cannot do this; Elder Waggoner cannot do it. Elder Andrews cannot do it in his branch of the work. Elder Smith cannot do it; for these papers must not bear the stamp of any one man’s mind. Not one is sufficient of himself. All will not run in the same groove, but all will have the same object in view and all will harmonize in bringing about the best results.* {Lt49-1876}


No one man is to pick the work up in his hands and *be so tenacious for his own ways of doing the work that no one can work with him, and he can work with no one unless that one follows the same manner of labor he has trained himself to follow. We cannot all labor in the same armor. Elder Andrews is peculiar in this respect.* He is shortening his days because he lifts the burdens all himself. *He thinks no one can make a success unless his plans and ideas of carrying forward the work are exactly after his own order. He is not well balanced in this respect, and the work that ought to be more widespread and nearly self-sustaining, is retarded and circumscribed; but it will be difficult to correct this state of things without having an almost fatal influence on Elder Andrews. He believes his ideas and ways the only right way. Is it so? No, no.* {Lt49-1876}


Jesus chose men for His disciples who were diverse in character, that the work should be done with perfection. *There is a disposition in men to think they are the only ones who can do the work right and make it a success, when they are most sadly deficient in essential qualities which must be supplied to make the work a success. Thus it is with our beloved Elder Andrews. We must all give room for others to come by our side and work harmoniously with us, that one may supply the deficiency of another and all blend together in perfect harmony.* The Review and Herald can be improved, and it ought to be made a much better paper than it is. {Lt49-1876}


It may be necessary in Oregon *to have cheap facilities for issuing a paper as occasion may require; when meetings are held where opponents attack in papers, they should be met.* This will be done when the people *are sufficiently awake to take hold of the work.* {Lt49-1876}



Sami Wilberforce

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