JUDSON’S LETTER ON DRESS To the Female Members of the Christian Churches in United States of America. {July 8, 1862 JWe, ARSH 42.6} DEAR SISTERS IN CHRIST: Excuse my publicly addressing you. The necessity of the case is my only apology. Whether you will consider it a sufficient apology for the sentiments of this letter, unfashionable, I confess, and perhaps unpalatable, I know not. We are sometimes obliged to encounter the hazard of offending those whom, of all others, we desire to please. Let me throw myself at once on your mercy, dear sisters, allied by national consanguinity, professors of the same holy religion, fellow pilgrims to…
The Framework and usage of EGW Materials
The Framework and usage of EGW Materials “During her lifetime, Ellen White was a prolific author. Before her death she wrote over 40 books, more than 5000 articles and pamphlets, in addition to many thousands of unpublished letters, manuscripts and diaries. As well as this, she frequently preached sermons at Church services and at Conferences, a good deal of which were transcribed and preserved. These documents, typed by persons other than Ellen White, are often treated no differently to what she penned with her own hand. THERE IS HOWEVER A DISTINCTION BETWEEN WHAT WAS WRITTEN BY ELLEN WHITE HERSELF AND THE SECOND‐HAND RECORDED TRANSCRIPTIONS OF HER TALKS AND…
The Tithing System
WHY BRING TITHES AND OFFERINGS TO THE STOREHOUSE? This tithing system, I saw, would develop character, and manifest the true state of the heart {1T 237.1} Those who would gain the blessing of sanctification must first learn the meaning of self-sacrifice. …It is the fragrance of our love for our fellow men that reveals our love for God. {AA 560.2} These arrangements did not, however, wholly do away with poverty. It was not God’s purpose that poverty should wholly cease. It is one of His means for the development of character. “The poor,” He says, “shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt…
AnTech Fruit-Tree Planting Method
AnTech Fruit-Tree Planting Method
Compilation of quotes on Angels and their Ministry
LET THE PROPHET SPEAK The holy angels and their ministry Compiled by Zaddoch Ponde pondezedd@gmail.com I call upon the ministers of Christ to press home upon the understanding of all who come within the reach of their voice, the truth of the ministraHon of angels. Do not indulge in fanciful specula2ons. The wriIen Word is our only safety. (Le7er 201, 1899). Kellog crisis undermined Personality of God and ministry of holy angels I am bidden to say to our people, Do not confound the words of Sister White with the deceptive fallacies of the enemy. Extreme views of “God in nature” UNDERMINE THE FOUNDATION TRUTHS OF THE PERSONALITY OF GOD…
Steps to the father? Angels in the sanctuary?
World dictatorship + religion = imminent coming of Jesus Past and future of the whole universe
World dictatorship + religion = imminent coming of Jesus Past and future of the whole universe
Hazards of some foods, replacement and classification
Hazards of some foods, replacement and classification When it comes to matters of health, identifying the problem is not sufficient but providing a solution is the best thing. Here is a guideline of the hazards of some foods, replacement and classification. Concerning yeast germ in bread; Ellen White penned that bread should be “thoroughly baked that, so far as possible, the yeast germs shall be destroyed.” She was scoffed at for this statement, even as late as the 1940s. For years popular magazines advocated eating a cake of live yeast daily! We now know that live yeast cells “take up B vitamins from the food material in the…
The Sword of the Spirit, The Word of God
THE WORD OF GOD – NO. 3 W. W. PRESCOTT IN the latter part of our last study, we were drawing the parallel between Christ, the word, and the Scriptures, the word. We found that Christ was life, and the word was a word of life, and the words that he spoke were spirit and life. We found that he was the truth, and so the word was truth; that he was full of grace, and that so the word was a word of grace; that he was faithful, and so the word was a faithful word, and that faith cometh by the word. At the close of the…
Tylosema fassoglensis
God has put in nature foods and Medicine that we can use by faith to re-establish the right conditions within the body system. The word of God says, ” Psalms 104:14 He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth; 104:15 And wine [that] maketh glad the heart of man, [and] oil to make [his] face to shine, and bread [which] strengtheneth man’s heart. 104:16 The trees of the LORD are full [of sap]; the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted; The trees have sap that is used for medicine. Alongside the…