Why am I sick?

God is Love. 1 John 4:8. At creation, it was not God’s desire that man could fall sick, succumb under terrible pain of diseases and die. We can see this in His plan for the children of Israel, “And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I [am] the LORD that healeth thee”. Exodus 15:26 

Which are the diseases of the Egyptians?

Some of the curses dealing with disease mentioned in the bible are found in (Deut 28:22,27,35;59, 61 Lev 26:16)


  1. Pestilence = infections, deadly disease like AIDS (vs:22)
  2. 2. Consumption = tuberculosis OR a wasting of flesh(vs:22) 3.  Fever (vs:22) 4. Inflammation = Edema; anything ending in “itis”  like bursitis, arthritis, etc.(vs:22) 5. Extreme Burning = bones; heartburn; etc. (vs:22) 6.  Blasting = to prevent from growing like dwarfism 7. Botch = a swelling on the skin; growth; ulcers; tumors(vs:27) 8. Emerods = Hemorrhoids(vs:27) 9. Scab = psoriasis, eczema, shingles, etc. (vs:27) 10. Itch = Scabies; athletes foot; dandruff. Madness = Schizophrenia(vs:28) 12. Blindness = loss of sight(vs:28) 13. Astonishment of Heart = heart problems(vs:28) 14. Smitten in the Knees = knee problems(vs:35) 15. Smitten in the legs = leg problems; gait problems (vs5) 16  A Sore Botch = painful swellings, painful ulcers, painful tumors(vs:35) 17. A Trembling Heart = heart failure; heart attack; cardiac arrest(vs:35) 18. Failing Eyes = vision problems like glaucoma or cataracts(vs:65)
  3.   Sorrow of Mind = any type of depression or worry(vs:65) 20. Terror = fear; phobia; anxiety(Lev 26:16) 21. Burning Ague = chills; shivering(cold/flu); shock; etc.(Lev 26:16) 22. Disease & Sickness not listed – examples are Mad Cow Disease and Swine Flu (Deut 28:61)

GOD TELLS US: “…the curse causeless shall not come.” (Proverbs 26:2)


“…GOD CANNOT LIE…”(Titus 1:2)

  • If God cannot lie, yet He said He would not put the diseases of the Egyptians on us, yet we have the very same diseases, the question is:



“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”(Gen 1:31)


  • “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and BE IN HEALTH, even as thy soul prospereth.”(3 John 2)


  • “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”(Psalms 139:14)
  • “I(God) have….created man…”(Isaiah 45:12)

NOTE: As all manufacturers provide an owners manual for their creation/product, our Heavenly Father has also provided an owner’s manual for the human race(His creation). Unfortunately, when it comes to health, most humans, including those calling themselves Christians, for some reason feel that that is one area God does not cover, and they do not believe we need to consult the Word of God when it comes to our bodies and our health. HOWEVER, the Word of God says: “…Man shall not live by bread alone, but by

every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”(Matthew 4:4)


  • “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”(1 Corinthians 6:19-20). “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”(1 Corinthians 10:31)
  • “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.”(Deuteronomy 30:19)

Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy  time?”(Ecclesiastes 7:17)


  • “The days of our years are threescore years and ten(70); and if by reason of strength they be fourscore(80) years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off…”(Psalms 90:10)
  • IT IS ESTIMATED THAT ABOUT 9 OUT OF 10 PEOPLE DIE PREMATURELY(90% of disease is Related to  Diet & Lifestyle).
  • We’re not referring to accidents here. We’re talking about sickness & disease. IT IS NOT

GOD’S PROVIDENCE FOR US TO BE SICK AND DIE PREMATURELY… “The violation of physical law, with its consequent suffering and premature death, has so long prevailed that these results are regarded as the appointed lot of humanity; but God did not create the race in such a feeble condition. This state of things is not the work of Providence, but of man.



Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.   In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Human beings are living longer than ever before, yet many feel less and less satisfied.. In today’s fast-paced life, people often feel so pressured and stressed, so full of pain, disappointment and hopelessness that they are willing to risk their health, and even their lives on almost anything that promises relief.

Emotional stress can cause physical illness. Discouragement, bitterness and anger leave your body exhausted and weaken the immune system. God has promised to lift these burdens if we bring them to Him. “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you.” Psalm 55:22

Positive emotions like love, joy, faith and trust produce protective substances that strengthen the immune system and protect us. Peace of mind can have a vitalizing, invigorating influence. “A merry heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.” Proverbs 17:22

Many who are otherwise healthy carry within themselves a deep longing for something more. At the root of our being is the need for greater purpose and meaning in life. The ultimate lifestyle includes not just health and fitness; it also includes spiritual growth.

The brain is the master control of our bodies. When our brains are not dulled by alcohol, tobacco, drugs, lack of sleep or overeating, when we are exercising and getting fresh air and sunlight, we will be able to think clearly. We will be able to make sound decisions and choose to allow the Lord to speak to us.

Trust in God supplies a missing piece in our lives. It brings fulfillment and hope for the future. Trusting God opens the door to His miraculous intervention. Many people even find a relationship with God to be the key to success in achieving a healthful lifestyle. To trust Him we must get to know Him. Invest some time, get better acquainted. Take time for stillness, away from the busyness and noise of your every day life. Explore the deeper side of life. Take some time to step back and think about what is truly important to you.

Spend some time reading the Bible. This is God’s special letter to man. The Bible is known for strengthening our minds and can give us new hope and direction.

A ‘for-real’ relationship with the true God, our Creator, is never optional – it is the very root of health.

#2 Fresh Air

And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7

A human being can survive several days without food, a few days without water, but only a few short minutes without air.

This element is essential to sustain life. Without air a person could have permanent brain damage within five minutes.

Why is air so important? The air we breathe contains oxygen. Red blood cells pick up the oxygen from the lungs and carry it to all the cells of the body. Each cell needs oxygen to operate its powerhouses. Red blood cells then carry the carbon dioxide back to the lungs. When we breathe out, this is forced out of the body with the oxygen-poor air.

Poor ventilation of rooms can result in headaches, drowsiness and difficulty in concentration. The reason? When air is breathed and rebreathed over and over, the oxygen content decreases and the carbon dioxide and other wastes increase. Bad air and poor breathing habits promote depression, irritability,

exhaustion and chronic fatigue.

When exercising, up to 26 gallons of air is moved in and out of your lungs per minute – but only about 1 gallon at rest. Exercise will increase the circulation of oxygen rich blood cells to all areas of the body. Your energy level and sense of well-being will improve.


  1. Open your windows and let in the fresh air! Sleep with an open window whenever possible.
  2. Exercise in fresh air. This will strengthen your breathing muscles and increase your lung capacity.
  3. Practice good posture habits. Sit up straight with your shoulders back. You will be able to breathe deeper.
  4. Concentrate on breathing deeply. Stop where you are several times a day and take a few slow, deep breaths.
  5. Keep some live houseplants. They remove many pollutants and use carbon dioxide, replacing it with oxygen.

One of the worst enemies of breathing freely is tobacco. Smoking causes the normal air passages to become clogged and irritated.

Nicotine in the smoke constricts small arteries; carbon monoxide interferes directly with the ability of the red blood cells to carry oxygen.

Together they decrease endurance and promote narrowing and hardening of the arteries. Many smokers do not realize the danger that the tobacco smoke has upon others as well. Secondhand smoke can be as lethal as smoking is to the smoker. Especially at risk are children of smokers who must breathe this deadly air over a long time. Smokers who quit begin to heal almost immediately. The biggest favor you can do for your body is: kick the habit and breathe free. Some areas of the world must contend with air pollution. If that is a problem in your city, try to stay out of the worst concentrations. Don’t exercise outdoors when the smog is at its worst.

# 3 Daily Exercise

And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. Genesis 2:15

Your body is a marvelous machine. Putting your body to work can increase your physical strength and resistance to disease. Exercise can actually improve your outlook on life!

Exercise may help:

Control weight – the metabolic rate is increased by exercise so that more calories are burned … and for several hours!

Increase lung capacity and recharge oxygen supply

Improve blood pressure, circulation and strengthen your heart

Lower cholesterol and improve blood flow in the arteries – it can even help reverse arteriosclerosis!

Relieve stress, tension and depression

Improve sleep naturally – without the side effects of a pill

Promote the body’s ability to get rid of toxic wastes

Improve metabolism – helps to prevent and treat diabetes

Strengthen the bones and counteract osteoporosis

Increase physical strength of muscles – when not used regularly, muscles waste and become weak and flabby

Improve posture and decrease back problems

Prevent the big C word



What kind of Exercise?

What kind of activity is best? Walking is the ideal exercise. Other good activities include swimming, cycling, gardening and yard work. One of the special benefits of exercising outside is that you can combine at least three of the health principles: sunlight, fresh air, and exercise.

A daily program of at least thirty to forty minutes is best for maximum benefit. The important thing is that you enjoy what you do and do it regularly.



1) Start slowly and progress gradually.

2) It is better to exercise before a meal than right after a meal.

3) Allow time to warm up and cool down.

4) Discontinue your exercise and see your physician should you

have any of the following symptoms:

  1. a) Pain in the chest, teeth, jaw, neck or arms
  2. b) Difficulty in breathing
  3. c) Light-headedness or fainting
  4. d) Irregular heart rate persisting during exercise and recovery period
  5. e) Discomfort or swelling of joints
  6. f) Excess fatigue
  7. g) Unexplained weight loss
  8. a) Recurrent nausea or vomiting occurring after exercise

A balanced and well-planned exercise program is one of the wisest investments you can make. Choose an activity that you enjoy, set a time every day and stick to it. Have fun and feel better every day!


#4 Sunlight

Truly the light [is] sweet, and a pleasant [thing it is] for the eyes to behold the sun: Ecclesiastes 11:7

You probably recognize the importance of the sun to life on earth. You know it provides heat, light and food. What can sunlight do for your personal health?

Sunlight kills germs. That is why it is important to sun and air out the blankets, pillows and other items that are not washed often. Open up the windows of your house as much as possible. This will allow the

sunlight to kill bacteria in your home as well and will help prevent mould.

Immunity is increased by exposure to sunlight, and your body’s resistance to infection is strengthened. White blood cells are increased, especially the protective lymphocytes. Antibodies are increased too.

These effects can last up to three weeks. Even ten minutes of sun twice a week can greatly reduce the incidence of colds. A moderately tanned skin withstands infections better too.

Bones are strengthened by sunlight. It allows the body to make Vitamin D, which helps calcium absorption from the intestines and calcium deposit in building healthy bones. Sunlight prevents rickets and helps prevent and reverse osteoporosis. There is also a connection with lowered incidence of dental cavities.

Red blood cells function better after sun exposure. They have increased ability to carry and deliver oxygen to the body’s cells. This will increase your energy and endurance and help prevent many diseases.

Cholesterol is moderately lowered by sunlight exposure. The cholesterol is changed to Vitamin D in the skin in the presence of unfiltered sunlight. Sense of wellbeing is promoted by sunlight, and the mood is elevated. Daily exposure to natural sunlight will boost melatonin output, which also improves sleep. For most people sunlight is an important therapy, especially if combined with exercise, in preventing and treating acute and chronic depression. Remember to try to catch any possible ray of sunshine during winter’s cold and gloomy months.

Healing properties are found in sunlight. Skin wounds heal much better with short periods of sun exposure daily. Sunlight also helps to alleviate pain from swollen arthritic joints and even relieves some symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). Cancer of the breast, colon and prostate are less likely in people getting good exposure to sunshine.


Small amounts of sunlight are wonderful. Large amounts are dangerous!

Limit your exposure to the sun. A goal of up to 30 minutes a day is realistic for most people. Initially you may need to limit this to 5 minutes if you are fair skinned, or 15 minutes for darker skins, with gradual increases. Remember that wet skin burns faster and ultraviolet rays of the sun can reflect off snow, sand and water, greatly increasing your exposure.

Ultraviolet rays can still burn even if it is a cloudy day. Never allow yourself to burn. Sunburn raises the risk of skin cancer.

Malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, kills nearly7,000 Americans a year.

We know that sunlight can be healing or destructive, depending on how we use it – the kiss of life or the kiss of death. Enjoy the sun sparingly and it will increase your vitality and good health.


# 5 Plenty of Pure Water

If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink: proverbs 25:21

Water is the major component of your blood. About 70% of your total weight is water. Your body uses water for cleansing and cooling itself, and to maintain a proper chemical balance. You lose water when you perspire, when you breathe and through body waste. A loss of 20% of your body’s water could even prove fatal. Athletes who drank water just to quench thirst did not have the endurance of those who drank as much water as they had lost. The athletes who drank more water did not become as fatigued and body temperature remained close to normal.

How much water should we drink?

Forcing the body to work with limited amounts of fluid is like trying to wash the dinner dishes in a cupful of water. We should drink enough water to keep the urine pale. Usually that would mean about 8 cups a day (at the lowest). Thirst is not an accurate gauge of your need for water.

All beverages are mainly water; does it matter what I drink?

Plain water is the best liquid for the body. Most beverages have sugar, which can slow digestion, contribute to weight gain, cause blood sugar swings and also requires extra water to metabolize. Colas contain phosphorus, which can deplete the body’s calcium and lead

to brittle bones. Nearly all beverages have artificial additives that may irritate the stomach or burden the kidneys or liver.

Caffeine is found in coffee, tea and many sodas. It can raise the blood pressure, blood sugar and blood fats. It stimulates the nervous system and can cause irritability, anxiety, tremors, chronic fatigue and insomnia. Caffeine and alcohol both are diuretics, and so deplete the body of water instead of hydrating the body.

What happens if I don’t drink enough water?

The kidneys have to work much harder to excrete toxic wastes, and may be damaged. Each cell in the body needs water to function

well, so inadequate water intake can cause malfunctioning and disease. Fatigue and headaches are a common result of drinking too

little water.

There are many uses for water outside the body as well.

Regular bathing helps to cleanse away dirt and waste products from the skin. Cool water can help to reduce fever and warm water can

bring warmth to chilled bodies. A warm bath may help if you are struggling to fall asleep. Trouble waking up in the morning? Try a cool ending to your shower, or a brisk rub of your skin with a washcloth dipped in cold water. Remember, water is of vital importance – use it abundantly for good health and vitality.


# 6 Enough Rest

Life today is fast paced, exciting – and exhausting. Is more sleep the answer? A refreshing, uninterrupted night’s sleep is a definite advantage, but most people work at sedentary jobs, with deadlines and emotionally draining problems. It is often difficult to fall asleep and rest peacefully. Fatigue is one of the commonest reasons for doctor’s visits.

Sleep is essential to maintain a well-balanced mind and healthy body. It allows your body to renew itself and aids in healing. Rest strengthens the immune system and can add years to your life. If deprived of adequate sleep, great demands are made on your back-up energy resources. If you do this habitually, you can expect to have little resistance to disease and stress.

How much sleep is enough? Usually 7-8 hours of sleep a night is best for adults. The earlier hours, before midnight, are more restorative to the body. If you need to nap, the best time is in the morning.

What about sleeping medications to induce sleep if you cannot get to sleep? During normal sleep, one has alternating periods of light and deep sleep. Dreaming seems to be a natural outlet, and takes place during the light sleep. Sleep medications often suppress this stage of sleep, and on awaking you may not feel as refreshed in spite of apparently sound sleep. If continued over time, sleep medications will contribute to chronic fatigue.


Engage in active exercise daily to best counteract mental and emotional fatigue. Walk, swim or work in the garden instead of watching TV.

Take a warm bath (not hot) with some soft music playing and dim lights to relax the body and mind.

Have a warm drink. But avoid caffeine, even during the day. It is a stimulant that commonly causes insomnia.

Maintain a regular schedule for going to bed and getting up.

An empty stomach promotes better sleep. Eat your evening meal several hours before bedtime and make it the lightest meal.

Try these simple exercises to help you relax: Stretch, roll your neck in slow large circles, smile and hold it, frown and hold it, raise your eyebrows and hold it, take some deep breaths, relax.

Don’t rehearse the day’s problems at bedtime. Count your blessings and fill your mind with gratitude and thanksgiving.

The ultimate rest is found in Jesus. Leave your burdens with the Lord and accept His peace and forgiveness.

The Lord has encouraged us to work six days and rest the seventh – that is His plan for the proper balance between work and rest. concentrations. Don’t exercise outdoors when the smog is at its worst.


# 7 Temperance

When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what [is] before thee:   And put a knife to thy throat, if thou [be] a man given to appetite.  Proverbs 23:1-2

A balanced life – A simple definition of temperance is “moderation”. Good things are used intelligently and harmful things are not used at all. The goal of temperate living is peak physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Temperance does not just involve alcohol, tobacco and drug use. It refers to all aspects of our lifestyle, whether it be overeating, overworking, too much play, or too little/much of anything. Such unbalanced living robs men and women of a rich, healthy and satisfying life.

1 corinthians 9:25-27 And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they [do it] to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. 

I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:   But I keep under my body, and bring [it] into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. 

Alcohol – Millions consume alcoholic beverages. Advertisements portray people who drink alcohol as being happy, congenial and fun loving. They fail to show the millions of people who are alcoholics. They fail to tell about all the auto accidents, assaults, sexual abuse, murders and suicides caused by people who have been under the influence of alcohol.

Every drink of alcohol irreparably destroys brain cells. Alcohol promotes high blood pressure and is directly toxic to heart muscle. Alcohol increases the risk of stroke, heart failure, stomach ulcers and cancer. One or two drinks can produce spasm of the coronary arteries, decreasing the oxygen supply

to the heart. Liver cirrhosis is common in alcohol users. Alcohol robs the body of vitamins and minerals. Perhaps the saddest statistics are those of damaged babies who are

permanently retarded due to their parents’ alcohol use.

Drugs – Despite all the education about illegal drugs, we continue to see an increase in their use and abuse. Many begin using drugs out of curiosity, to please friends, to provide an escape

from reality or to avoid dealing with problems. Because drugs don’t solve problems, users often find that instead of escaping from their problems, they end up adding a tough new one – drug addiction. Repeated use of certain drugs can result in drug dependence, physical or psychological. Someone who is dependent on a drug uses it to avoid the illness and discomfort associated with stopping it. The need for the drug often becomes so strong that users will resort to dangerous and illegal activities to obtain a continuing supply. Up to 70% of prison inmates are incarcerated for drug-related crimes.

Remember, it is far easier to prevent a drug problem than to cure one. If you or someone you know is addicted to drugs, get help!

Tobacco – One of the most addictive of all substances used by humans, it kills 1 200 people  every day. “Smoking is the single most preventable cause of death in America.” (US Surgeon General)

Besides lung cancer that everyone knows about, tobacco also is causative in many other cancers.

Its mixture of over 20 poisons leads to disease: emphysema, stomach ulcers, heart disease, diabetes, and low birth-weight babies etc.

Smoking is expensive – it costs Americans $1 billion a week in extra health care and insurance costs.

Common-sense changes in your lifestyle can add years, perhaps decades, to your life. What’s more, your quality of life can vastly improve. Plan right now to enjoy filling the years ahead with a balanced high quality life!


# 8 Proper Nutrition

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food. Genesis 1:29

The original diet consisted of fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. Only later, after the flood, was the option of flesh food given. Scientific research has proven that the basic original diet is still the most healthful. And the only diet that can reverse all the sicknesses, when properly prepared and combined wholesomely.

In grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts are to be found all the food elements that we need. If we will come to the Lord in simplicity of mind, He will teach us how to prepare wholesome food free from the taint of flesh meat.

By eating foods in their natural state, unrefined and without additives, many diseases can be prevented and often even reversed.

Eat with pleasure.

Food should have eye appeal as well as be flavorful. Our diets should include a variety of foods every day. By combining different types of food we are assured that we are getting all the necessary nutrients needed for good health.

Protein can be obtained from many sources other than meat. Peas and beans are excellent sources, especially when eaten with a whole grain such as brown rice, whole wheat, oats or corn. Nuts are also rich in protein, but should be used in smaller quantities due to their high fat content. Even vegetables such as broccoli and potatoes contain protein and are high in vitamins and minerals too. Many myths exist about protein needs. Most people consume far more protein than needed, which can overwork the kidneys and produce kidney disease.

Carbohydrates are an important source of food energy. It is best, however, to limit the simple carbohydrates (table sugar) found in most desserts, candies, soft drinks and sweetened cereals. Complex carbohydrates are much better for us. Good sources include potatoes, brown rice, whole grain breads and whole grain cereals.

Limit fats in the diet. Lard, shortening, butter, fish, meat, poultry, margarine, fried foods, cream, mayonnaise and cheese contain unhealthy saturated fats. Plant fats, such as avocado, olives, seeds and nuts, used in moderation, are healthier.

Fiber is like scrub brushes in our bodies to keep our digestive system clean and functioning well. High fiber foods are fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. Meats, milk products and refined foods have no fiber and tend to clog the digestive system, leading to disease. Research has shown that a high fiber diet decreases the risk of many forms of cancer.

Sodium (salt) is hidden in many foods such as meat products,

pickles, canned foods, baked goods with baking soda or baking powder and even many breakfast cereals. It promotes high blood pressure and heart disease. Be aware of sodium and try to limit amounts in your diet.

What should I eat? A balanced vegetarian diet is the best. Every day we should enjoy liberal portions of vegetables and fruit.

Eat whole grains – they have all the fiber, vitamins and minerals that are lost by refining. They also help prevent overeating and obesity as they are much more satisfying. Be sure to include legumes and nuts in your diet.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! A good breakfast should contain the most calories of any meal. Choose foods high in protein and complex carbohydrates. Don’t forget the fruit. Try to eat a good lunch and a very light supper. This will give you energy for the day and a better night of rest.

For healthy bodies and lots of vitality, eat a variety of good food in the most natural form possible and in moderation. Enjoy your food!


Health destroying Habits.

  1. Eating between meals or snacking. You should never let any food pass your lips between your regular meals. Eat what you ought, but eat it at one meal, and then wait until the next( after 5 -6 hours)
  2. Condition of the Mind at Meals. At meal-time cast off care and taxing thought. Do not be hurried, but eat slowly and with cheerfulness, your heart filled with gratitude to God for all his blessings. Take your time.
  3. Hasty Eating. In order to have healthy digestion, food should be eaten slowly. Do not be hurried, but eat slowly and with cheerfulness, your heart filled with gratitude to God for all his blessings
  4. If more food is eaten than can be digested and appropriated, a decaying mass accumulates in the stomach, causing an offensive breath, and a bad taste in the mouth. The vital powers are exhausted in an effort to throw off the excess, and the brain is robbed of nerve force.
  5. Drinking at Meals. Taken with meals, water diminishes the flow of the salivary glands; and the colder the water the greater the injury to the stomach. Ice water or iced lemonade, drunk with meals, will arrest digestion until the system has imparted sufficient warmth to the stomach to enable it to take up its work again.drink warm water an hour before mealtime and two hours after mealtime.
  6. Liquid Foods. Dry food that requires mastication is far preferable to porridges.
  7. Very Hot Foods. Very hot food ought not to be taken into the stomach. Soups, puddings, and other articles of the kind, are often eaten too hot, and as a consequence the stomach is debilitated. Let them become partly cooled before they are eaten.
  8. Cold Food. I do not approve of eating much cold food, for the reason that the vitality must be drawn from the system to warm the food until it becomes of the same temperature as the stomach before the work of digestion can be carried on.
  9. Rich Diet. Rich and complicated mixtures of food are health destroying. Highly seasoned meats and rich pastry are wearing out the digestive organs of children and the adults.
  10. Condiments and spices. They irritate and inflame the delicate coating of the stomach.
  11. Spices at first irritate the tender coating of the stomach, but finally destroy the natural sensitiveness of this delicate membrane.
  12. Soft Drinks. Sodas, caffeinated drinks in any form should not be introduced into the stomach; for the effect is fearful. It eats the coatings of the stomach, causes inflammation, and frequently poisons the entire system.

 Be blessed



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