

The Nature of the Spirit is a Mystery. 2

Revisiting John 14: 17 Promise. 5

“The Present Christ”. 13

Mysteries of the Spirit 16

The Mechanism of Ministration. 22

The Word of God – A Case Study of  Hebrews 4_12, {Lt92-1896.3} 31

The Holy Spirit, the oil in the messages. 48

The Impartation of Peace / [True Rest of the Spirit] 65

How we get possessed by either God or Satan [Demon Possession vs Holy Spirit Possession] 69

Reflections on Omnipresence. 92

Examples of the Visible manifestation of God’s Omnipresence. 103

What is the significance of this doctrine?. 110

The experience the OTG message has to bring. 115


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The Holy Spirit and its operation


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