The Great Controversy in Heaven between Christ and Satan The War over Sonship

A Historical perspective on how early Seventh-Day Adventists viewed this controversy and the relationship between the characters involved

The history of the first great rebellion has been frequently presented to me in figures. The same spirit that brought about the great deception in heaven is at work in our world today. Our watchmen must be wide-awake to give the trumpet a certain sound. {Lt256-1906.6} – Ellen G. White


By Ryan Tacklin




  1. Introduction to the Controversy – 3
  2. Lucifer’s Position in Heaven – 5
  3. Jealousy over the Position of Christ – 12
  4. Giving and Receiving – 14
  5. Nature of the pre-incarnate Christ vs the Angels – 26
  6. The Order of Heaven – One, Two, and…Lucifer? – 47
  7. Where is the Holy Spirit in the Controversy and Order of Heaven? – 51
  8. Conclusion – The Importance of Understanding the Relationships – 60
  9. Various Questions and Answers – 64


After this page everything will be as follows:

Ellen White’s statements are in blue.

Statements from Adventists sources are in black.

Commentary and thoughts are in bold(black).

The topic of the great controversy has ever been a most interesting topic. After doing much research in recent years on what Ellen White had to say, it was time to look at what others were saying. This is the basis of this research work. Needless to say, it ended up being a much bigger project than originally planned. So the goal of this document was not intended to focus on a specific doctrine, though by it’s very nature we will be taking a look examining the relationship between characters involved which does lead into doctrinal topics. For it’s known that not even ever writer sourced in this document agreed exactly alike. But in learning about this topic, it’s very evident that the relationships between the characters involved in the origin of the controversy was a fundamental strong point. This was clearly essential in understanding something that will change the entire universe under God. While we will never be able to fully comprehend how sin arose in Lucifer’s heart, but we can most certainly gain insights into what fueled his feelings. The research that has been done for this shows cohesion for the most part on how Adventists have viewed this topic, and how there was a core issue underlying the aim of Lucifer to seek worship for himself, and undermining God’s laws. Hopefully what is shared in this document helps the readers understand this most interesting subject when discussing the origin of evil.May you will re-discover some old light on this subject as new.


*Sources with a “green *” will provide links to fully documents as all quotes are excerpts* Primary sources can be found on the links: Ellen G. White Writings and Adventist Archives

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The Great Controversy in Heaven SDA Historical View – Ryan Tacklin



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