Whatever is done under the sanctified stimulus of Christian obligation, because you are stewards in trust of talents to use to be a blessing to yourself and to others, gives you substantial satisfaction; for all is done to the glory of God. *I cannot find an instance in the life of Christ where He devoted time to play and amusement.* He was the great Educator for the present and the future life. *I have not been able to find one instance where He educated His disciples to engage in amusement of football or pugilistic games, to obtain physical exercise, or in theatrical performances; and yet Christ was our pattern in all things.* Christ, the world’s Redeemer, gave to every man his work and bids them “occupy till I come.” And in doing His work, the heart warms to such an enterprise, and all the powers of the soul are enlisted in a work assigned of the Lord and Master. It is a high and important work. The Christian teacher and student are enabled to become stewards of the grace of Christ, and be always in earnest.  {FE 229.2}


Turn to another scene. *In the streets of the city is a party gathered for a bicycle race. In this company also are those who profess to know God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.* But who that looks upon *the exciting race would think that those who were thus exhibiting themselves were the followers of Christ?* Who would suppose that any of that party felt their need of Christ? Who would think they realized the value of their time and their physical powers as gifts from God, to be preserved for His service? *Who thinks of the danger of accident, or that death may be the result of their wild chase?* Who have prayed for the presence of Jesus, and the protection of the ministering angels? *Is God glorified by these performances? Satan is playing the game of life for these souls, and he is well pleased with that which he sees and hears.*  {TM 83.2}


In many religious families, *dancing and card-playing are made a parlor pastime.* It is urged that *these are quiet, home amusements, which may be safely enjoyed under the parental eye.* But a love for these exciting pleasures is thus cultivated, and that which was considered harmless at home *will not long be regarded dangerous abroad.* It is yet to be ascertained that there is any good to be obtained from these amusements. They do not give vigor to the body nor rest to the mind. They do not implant in the soul one virtuous or holy sentiment. *On the contrary, they destroy all relish for serious thought and for religious services. It is true that there is a wide contrast between the better class of select parties and the promiscuous and degraded assemblies of the low dance house. Yet all are steps in the path of dissipation.*  {MYP 399.1}


The plan of Moses in the wilderness to raise means was highly successful. There was no compulsion necessary. *Moses made no grand feast, and he did not invite the people to scenes of gaiety, dancing, and general amusement. Neither did he institute lotteries or anything of this profane order to obtain means to erect the tabernacle of God in the wilderness.* God commanded Moses to invite the children of Israel to bring their offerings. Moses was to accept gifts of every man that gave willingly from his heart. But the freewill offerings came in so great abundance that Moses proclaimed it was enough. They must cease their presents; for they had given abundantly, more than they could use. {Con 70.4}


Some of the most popular amusements, *such as football and boxing, have become schools of brutality.* They are developing the *same characteristics as did the games of ancient Rome.* The love of domination, the pride in mere brute force, the reckless disregard of life, are exerting upon the youth a power to demoralize that is appalling.  {Ed 210.3}


The cities of today are fast becoming *like Sodom and Gomorrah. Holidays are numerous; the whirl of excitement and pleasure attracts thousands from the sober duties of life. The exciting sports–theatergoing, horse racing, gambling, liquor drinking and reveling stimulate every passion to activity.*  {9T 89.2}


Many of the amusements popular in the world today, even with those who claim to be Christians, tend to the same end as did *those of the heathen.* There are indeed few among them that Satan does not turn to account in destroying souls. *Through the drama he has worked for ages to excite passion and glorify vice. The opera, with its fascinating display and bewildering music, the masquerade, the dance, the card table, Satan employs to break down the barriers of principle and open the door to sensual indulgence.* In every gathering for pleasure where pride is fostered or appetite indulged, where one is led to forget God and lose sight of eternal interests, there Satan is binding his chains about the soul.  {PP 459.3}


Christ looks upon a world *filled with the din of merchandise and trade, with the dishonesty and scheming of buyers and sellers. In their desire to get gain, men have lost sight of the laws of justice and equity.* “It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth.” *Satan has devised a multitude of ways in which to keep men from serving God. He has invented sports and games, into which men enter with such intensity that one would suppose a crown of life was to reward the winner. At the horse races and football matches, which are attended by thousands and thousands of people, lives for which Christ shed his blood are thrown away.* What will become of the souls of the men and boys whose lives are thus extinguished? Will they be counted worthy of the redemption which Christ died to secure for them?  {RH, June 13, 1907 par. 5}

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